I have been wondering about what I should be writing next… been caught up with work and project deadlines… and it is needless to say that I was preoccupied with work… but somehow I couldn’t take my mind off the blog… a lot of things were on the back of my head and I have been in a reflective mood for more than a couple of days now…
A couple of quotes kept coming back to my mind… I am just jotting them down even though they are clichéd…
• Happiness is not having what you want
but wanting what you have!!
• What do you do when the only person who can make you stop crying is the person who made you cry?
• If you loved something,
set it free,
if it comes back to you
then it is yours
else it was never yours!!
• A pinch of mischief,
A cup of love,
along with lot of understanding
makes friendship the best recipe!!
• Always be careful,
Always bear a smile
Remember you are in this world just for a while!!
Been thinking about a lot of things… especially about relationships… guess I would dedicate another blog to it… was just pondering on what people expect out of a relationship… and the first thing that came to my mind was that we all needed an “understanding” person… Do we all make the mistake of expecting more and fail to give an equal (if not more) share of it? Every person yearns to be cared for… to be loved… and pampered at some point of time in their lives… all of us need a shoulder to lean on in times of distress, a comforting hug that means much more than words, a warm smile that reassures that there is someone on earth who will go out of their way to keep us happy… someone who will treasure us and love us for the way we are… someone who will respect our space and help us grow both within and out of the circle that each of us have drawn around us… Hmmm….
Every relationship is like the sand held in our palm… if held too firmly, it escapes through the spaces in between our fingers… if held too loose; it gets carried away by the wind…
WUGIWUG – What You Give Is What You Get… Reflect what you want to receive… and I am sure things will be a lot better then…